Sunday, January 22, 2006

What's up wiff dose Broncos??

Dey wost!!! I did not fink dat it was eben possible!! Dey hab Champ Baywee and he came from the Georgia Bulldogs!! How in da world did dis terrible fing happen??? Dey weren't supposed to woose!! Ob all days too!! I fought dat dey would win dis game in Ari's memory. Today, Jan 22nd is one month since I wost my bestest fwiend. How could da broncos mess dis whole fing up!! Someone needs to call dem! Dey better not do dis next year!!

We missed most ob da game because mommie wayed on da couch wiff her favorite pillow and blanket. I don't know why she does dis. She knows dat it means an automatic lights out, but she does it anyway. We missed almost da whole game, but wucky for us it wasn't much ob a game to miss!!

Oh, one more fing - When mommie and I wan errands we say dat bad keekat ob mine at da neighbor's house sitting on dere window ledge. Doesn't he eben know where his house is??? Mommie said dat he was just being wazy and sitting dere cause da sun was hittind dat side ob da street. I fink dat he's pouting still cause mommie was going to way him off.

Your pal,



Anonymous said...

Deer Baywee, your Bwoncos did not luk 2 gud 2day! Mi mommie was tinking 2 herself dat yur mommie was not going to be bery happee wen dis hole debacle was ober wit.

But, at weast, now de Texans kan name your coach Kubiak as dere nu coch widout habing to wate and wate and wate.

Sowwy dat de Bwoncos lost, but I am gwad u bot didn't spend yur hole afternoon watching dat bad game.


Anonymous said...

Whoa!! I fink dat da thrower guy got confused about da cowors. He didn't wemember bout da orng and boo and kept frowing to da bwake and yewwow guys. Dat's what I fink happened. Bays, how did you get so many fwiends in Texas? Cuz you gots me and Hector, and Cassie, and Rooby all in Texas. You gots good taste in fwiends.

Anonymous said...

Wow, caws I am fwiends wid Bays I no lotz mors puppers in Tx? Dat's g8t! Baywee sur duz hab gud taste in fwiends!! Cassie