Thursday, January 05, 2006

I Heard back from da Easter Bunny!!!!!

DIS IS FOR WEAL!!!!!!!!!!!! Dere really is a Easter Bunny!!! I always knew dat dere was!!! Da Easter Bunny wrote me and now dat I know what da Easter Bunny wooks wike I know dat I don't hab a worry in dis whole world!!

I'm being weally good, Easter Bunny!!! I promise dis!!

Here is da wedder dat da Easter Bunny wrote to me:

Hey Baywee!!

I knows you didn't drags those bunny parts in the howse.

Don't worry.....
The Easter bunny (that woulds be me) will still come to sees you at Easter......& we won'ts give that silly old keekat any Easter milkbone eggs or liverwurst candy or nufin'.

Yous just keep on being a good puppy.... And there may be's a special prize for yous.



(sometimes they calls me Rooby)

Dis is da most beautiful bunny in dis whole world!! It's eben cuter den Killer, our front yard bunny!!

I wub you Easter bunny!

Your pal,



Anonymous said...

Dear Baywee,

you sure are glad that the easter bunny replied and that he believes you're not guilty!

Now you can be looking forward to Easter!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Baywee, we are so glad dat de Easter bunnee beweieved u! U r a gud bullie, and u shud get all dat gud stuff dat de Eester bunnee bwings!

Anonymous said...

That was a great letter from the Easter Bunny. I sure am glad you are not gonna suffer with no candy just because of your Kee kat!
I always knew that was what the Easter Bunny looked like- sure is cute!