Monday, January 02, 2006

My fwiend, Daisy

We hab a couple ob fings in common..We're boff English Bulldogs (dat was easy, wasn't it?) . We boff hab flower names, she's Daisy and I'm Buttercup. We boff lived in ober houses where fings didn't go so great and den we boff got adopted into good homes wiff mommies dat tought us a wot ob good fings and dey buy us wots ob toys and wub us so much. We're alike in all kinds ob stuff wike dat.

Yesterday dis beautiful fwiend ob mine wore her bandana in honor ob my best sister in dis whole wide world, Awi.

Dis was such a nice way for her to honor my sister's life.

Thanks so much for finking about us, Daisy!!

Your bestest bully fwiend,

Baywee (who weally should wear my bandana too)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Daisy for remembering sweet Arizona! Diane