Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Wook at all my Christmas trees!!

Don't tell mommie dat I used her camera dough - she doesn't always wike it when I take pictures wif her camera, eben dough I didn't eben drop it!! Some pictures are a widdle blurry, but what do you expect from someone dat doesn't hab opposable thumbs! Now, on wif da tree display!

Dis is my tree sitting by da firepwace. We wight it up at night and it pways nice music and says HO HO HO Merry Christmas (just wike Santa!!!)

Dis is da baffroom tree. See da pretty yellow lights?

Dis is da tree by my food dish - I wike to wook at it while I eat my dinner.

Dis is my lovely tree in da dining room!

Dis is my tree in da yellow room

And dis is my family room twee.

I know what your finking too! How wucky is it dat mommie got me all dese trees!! Someone tried to suggest to me dat dis is only one tree and it gets moved room to room, but weally - wook at how huge dis tree is. I just don't fink dat it could move dat easily!

Santa - You can put my presents under any tree in my house! I wike all ob dem and I'll find my toys! Awi says same fing for her!

Singing along wiff da music from my Christmas tree,


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