Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Dis is my new toy

Dis toy wooks happy to belong to me, doesn't he? Dis is one good donkey. He doesn't eben complain if I bite him or drag him around our house! Dis is one toy dat I'm not taking out on da deck. I don't want da backyard squirrel to take dis big guy!!

My keekat got some toys too
but dis is what his favorite toy is. He just wikes hanging out in boxes. Dis is one weird keekat. He hasn't eben torn it apart. I woulda ate it, but den, I'm a smart bully and he's a.. umm.. keekat.
Your pal,
Baywee da good bully


Murphy said...


My mommy has tha same toy that her two legged children gave to her a long time ago. Hers keeps it up on top of tha head board thingy and won't let me play with it. Hers says it's not a toy!! Humm me thinks hers is being selfish.

Your Pal

Anonymous said...

Oh, Baywee, das is such a BIG donkee! I tink dat donkee is bigger dan mee!! U r a luky bullee to hab such a nice 2-legger brudder who gibs such gud toiz.

I luv my stuffee toiz, 2. I trow dem in de air, when dey hit de floor, I pounze on dem. Den mommie and daddy trow dem for mee, and I chaze dem and du the Cairn "zoom". My angel brother Max and angel sister Impy smile when they see how I make mommie smile!! Lubs, Cassie

Anonymous said...


That donkey sure is big. How nice to snuggle with. I would eat it up and make a mess. You are a good girl.


Anonymous said...

Whoa!! Dats a good ting to snuggle wiv. My momma gave me and my pug brudder Hector widdle elwaphants wiv squeakers in da twunk. I wike to jump weally high to get mine from my 2-wegger brudder. Dats how my momma got my name. I am nearwy 8 and I still jump weally weally high. I could go to da Owimpics! You could go to da Souper Bole wiv your 2-wegger brudder!