Saturday, April 01, 2006

A picture ob my fwiend, Cassie!!!

Today Cassie sent me a picture ob her!! She is such a pretty girl dat I had to share it wiff eberyone!!

She was just groomed today and I fink dat she wooks beautiful!! Cassie used to be a puppy mill girl and she was rescued from dat life and now she has her very own family!!! If you eber wanna follow Cassie den you can read all about her on her very own blog, Cassie's Life One ob Cassie's favorite finggies is bunnies!! waff

Speaking ob grooming, Mommie made an appointment for Frogknot's grooming!! His appointment is set for next Saturday at 11:30am. He's so shaggie wooking. Mommie said dat he weally needs to be groomed!! We made an appointment wiff our very favorite groomer, Teresa. I know dat Frog will be scared, but Teresa alweady knows him and she knows dat he's a big scaredy cat!!

I was going to come up wiff some sort ob April Fools day fings, but eberyone does does on April 1st so I wike doing dat sort ob fingie on ober days!! Den you weally do fool people!!


Baywee and Froggie

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Tank you for sharing mi pikture wit yur fwiends. Mommie thot I luked pwetty nice when she was finished wit mee. U,Fwoggie, and mommie r speshul fwiends ob ours.

Tell Fwoggie he duzn't hab to be skared when he gets gwoomed and we luk forward to seeing be-u-te-ful piktures ob him after he is dun.
