Monday, April 17, 2006

Widdle Froggie dodged a bullet!!!

He sure didn't feel good yesterday and he sure showed it all ober da pwace, but dis morning he got up his happy widdle self!!! Today it's wike he's not eben sick. Me an mommie are weally happy about dat!!

Tomorrow it's supposed to snow!!! I fink dat dey said somefin about 6 inches, or it could hab been eleventeen. I don't know. I neber was good at numbers!!! Today was a great day dough!! Dat is one ob our favorite fings about Colorado. It can be 80 degrees one day and den da next it can be 30 and snowing!! It makes living here an adventure!! If we get wots of snow den we'll take pictures ob it!!

Your pals,

Baywee and Frogknot

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Sure am gwad dat de liddle Fwoggie is awight. Doze puppees sure keepz u on yur toez, dontz de??
