Saturday, May 06, 2006

We got new TV!!!

Well, not weally!! Our tv's are da same tb's dat we've had, but we got new TV anyway!!! Mommie got rid ob comcast cable and we got DishNetwork . We hab been pwaying wiff it all day wong!!! We got a DVR in two wooms (mommie said somefing about eberytime she twies to watch somefing me or Frog get in her way and she misses somefin!!) and we got a standard receiver in two wooms. We hab a wot ob TV!!! We went wiff da Top 180 package cause it had WOTS ob channels, den we also got HBO cause mommie wubs dose series dat dey do. Wike 6 feet under was her very favorite show and now she wikes dis new series "Big Lub" on HBO. It makes her waff so we wike dat!! Now when mommie is at work me and Frogknot can boff record our own favorite movies and not eben hab to annoy each ober. Frog wants dibs on da new recliner, but mommie said no dogs on da recliner, so he will eber hab to use da built in recliners on da couch or sit on da floor cause I already dibbed out da bedroom. I wike snoring.. oh I mean WATCHING tb from da bed. We hab feather pillows and comforter. Dat is what I'm talking about!! Dat is da good life!!

Froggie is doing great!! I don't eben fink dat dis boy knows dat he's missing any body parts!!
Dis is not a smart puppy!!! I woulda noticed if someone took somefin away from me!!!

Now, where's dat popcorn and remote control (we had to promise not to taste test da remote controls!!)

Your pal,


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Deer Baywee, we habz Dish TB, too, and we likez it lotz. We libz in de kuntwy, and we duntz habz kable TB out heer, so we are so gwad to hab de Dish TB. You will like it!
