Monday, May 29, 2006

I fink dat Frogknot is sick!!!

At weast he's sick in da head!!! Dis is not a normal puppy!! Dere is somefing wrong wiff him!! Froggie has spent at weast da wast hour (maybe more) barking at himself in da mirror. You would fink dat after an hour he would know dat da puppy in da mirror is not a weal puppy!! I don't wanna say dat he is dumb... but - dis is not normal bulldog behavior. Since he is a yorkie type bully I would fink dat he would hab enough brains to know his own image!!

Me an mommie are covering our ears trying to protect dem from dat sharp widdle yorkie-bully bark!! Dis is one loud mouth puppy! I fink dat I need a bacation!

Froggie has another hair appointment next weekend. We're not telling him dough. We don't want him to cwy! (He's such a big baby!!)

Welp dat's all da news dats fit to print. I hab to go waff at Froggie again. IT'S A MIRROR, SILLY PUPPY!!



1 comment:

Cassie said...

Baywee, dat's just too funny! Duz Fwoggy now dat de puppy in de mirror is him yet? Doughs loud puppy barks will make yu deaf sumtime you know!!
