Saturday, February 11, 2006

We've been pwaying dis morning!

Wook at Frog digging for toys!

I fink dat we just about hab all da toys taken out ob dis one toy box. Me an Frog hab 3 toy boxes. I fink dat is why mommie says dat we are spoiled, dis isn't da point ob dis story dough. We are fine wiff being spoiled and fink dat ebery dog should be spoiled. I fink dat is our right by law!!

So anyway, Frog is getting more comfortable and he's pwaying more and more ebery day!! I wike dat a wot because I wub to pway!!

Now isn't dat da funniest Frog face you'be ever seen??? Dis widdle Frog was trying to take a toy out ob my mouth. I ended up gibing him da uber end and we played a good round ob tug '0 war and dat was a fun time!! And dis is widdle Frogman trying to find another toy.

He is almost as small as some ob my toys!!

Mommie promised me a trip out today. I fink dat we are eber going to mcdonalds for a double cheeseburger, or dairy queen for ice cream. It's weally cold out dough, so I'm finking dat a warm food sounds good!! Frog doesn't get to go wiff us. He's not allowed to go anywhere yet. He still needs more shots, so he can't go anywhere but da vet and home for now!

Your Pal,



Murphy said...


You and frog have 3 toy boxes full of toys???!!!! Me only has 1 basket and it is NOT full of toys. This is not fair cause me is an only puppy and should have lots of toys. Me birthday is next month and me will have to work on this problem.

Your pal


Cassie said...

You and Froggy hab 3 boxes full of toiz?? I habs only about 6-7 toiz, and my faborite squeakee squirrel is almost squeaked out! Mi daddee saz no more toiz untils I hab played wid and desqueaked de ones I habs already. I donz tink dat is fare!! Lubs, Cassie

bay said...

Dis is da fing. I get to wun errands wiff mommie most weekends. When she goes into a store I gibe her does big doe eyes and most ob da time she comes out wiff a new chew toy or stuffed toy or somefin for me to pway wiff.

Weally, da twick is all in how you wook at your mommie. I fink dat you guys just need to practice in da mirror. Remember "Pitiful is good" in matters wike dis!!

Put on your best cute, pitiful wook!!

Your pal,


Anonymous said...

Whoa Baywee!! Good advise bouts da eyeballs. Wemember to smile weally big, too. Dem sad eyes wooks awot bedder wif a widdle gwin.

bay said...

Dis is very true, Cricket! Dere is just somefin about a doggie grin dat just brings smiles to da two leggers!!

Grinning away,


Cassie said...

I will be pwactising dat big smile for daddie den, cause he's de one who sayz I hab enuff toiz for now.

Your corn terror fwiend,