Wednesday, February 01, 2006

We got dis nice note

From Debbie and Stella!!

I just wanted to congratulate you personally on your new baby. It is so great to 'read' the smile in your posts again. Your little Frog Man is so special and he needed a special mommy but as luck would have it...he got two special mommies! I am so thrilled for you. I knew Ari would send you a angel. Congrats again. Love to see those pics.

Mommie told me to tell eberyone dat we feel very blessed to have such wonderful fwiends!! Now I hab to run because I hab to kiss Frog about a billion times for all da people dat want to pass a kiss along!! I don't even fink dat I'll ever get to bed tonight!! Dis is going to be a weally big job!!

Hey Awi!!! Fanks a wot for sending a widdle puppy who wikes to bark all day way down da hallway wiff mommie in da mornings!! Dis is da one fing dat she weally missed da most about you. Our house was so quiet and we weally miss all dat talking you did!! I wish dat you could meet Frog in person. I know dat you would treat him wike your very own baby too. We wub you a wot and we still ache for you!! Be good and eat wots ob ice cream!!

Everyone's pal and Awi's bestest sister,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Baywee, Ari is habing lotz of gud iz creem here at da Bridge, and she is eben sharing wid sum fwiends lik mi. Awi is so happee dat u and mommie hab anudder widdle doggee to wuv, and she is reelee smiwling a lot. Lubs, Angel Impy