Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Waising puppies is hard work

Dis puppy ob mine is a big mess!! Frog ripped up some paper towels in two teenie-tiny widdle pieces and it's all ober da floor. Now, who's going to pick dis mess up??? Mommie hurt her back so she can't get down on dis floor to pick dis mess up. I fink dat she finks dat dis is going to be my job!! Dis puppy is not just MY PUPPY!!!! Dis is mommie's puppy too!! I fink dat she should do some ob dis work!! I habe to entertain dis widdle fellow who finks dat he needs to be carried around while hanging on to my flews wiff his widdle, and very sharp, teef!! I fink dat mommie needs to take some ob dis responsibility!! I can't do eberyfing!! Dat's not my job!! Dis puppy is taking my toys and my bones!

Oh, one fing mommie did do! She did gibe Frog a widdle haircut so dat he can see out ob dose widdle eyes!! I do fink dat she did a pretty good job on dat!! I fink dat he's wooking pretty cute now.

Your pal,

Baywee and Frogknot


Murphy said...
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Murphy said...

Oops Mommy went to post a comment for me and hitted tha delete.

Me thinks that you need to teach that puppy to clean up after itself. Me always cleans up after meself.........well actually me helps mommy by taking all of tha bones and toys out of me basket. But you could teach that little frog how to do this.


Cassie said...

I tinks you shud teech dis widdle puppee to cleen up abter hizzelf, too. Abter all, u du all dat babysitting work during de daytime while mommie is at work, and mommie is working to buy food and toiz for you/widdle Froggy, dere's someting he shud do too!

By de way, Froggy is REALLY cute wid dat new hair cut!!


Anonymous said...

I understand how your mommy feels about that sore back, I'm just getting over one.
Maybe you can take care of Froggie until she's feeling better (it'll help her heal faster). Then if you ever get sick mommy will do all the work.
Tell your mommy we hope she's feeling better soon and give her a nice puppy kiss (that always helps).