Saturday, July 30, 2005

Wazy weekend..

Mommie is finally starting to feel better, but she says dat I'm probably to blame because all her muscles hurt. She finks dat just cause I swept on her and she couldn't move because dis 60 lb dainty bully was waying on her. Dat is a weason to bwame me for her being sore? Dat's just silly. I was doing her a favor by sweeping on her. Does she fink dat it was comfortable for me to sweep on her?? What did she fink, dat I was going to make her chicken soup instead??? Mommie is only finking ob herself again. I fink dat she's just sore cause she did a wot ob barfin. I took weally good care ob her and I don't just wet anyone sweep wif my toys!!!

We haben't weally done anyfing dis weekend because it's too hot and mommie is still whining. I hope dat she gets better soon cause it's too much whining for me!!

Anyway, I did spend a wot ob quality time sitting in my chair on da deck. I'm still on da wookout for Backyard Squirrel. Mommie did manage to get off her death bed to take a few photo's ob me playing guard doggie. I fought dat you might enjoy seeing me hard at work!! I would hab wiked it if you had seen me sweeping on mommie and being such a good helper, but Awi can't take pictures and mommie was sweeping so I don't hab any pictures of me being such a good citizen. You will hab to just trust me dat!

Here are some ob wast night's photos!

Dis is me watching da fence line. If dat squirrel comes den I will know about it!! Do you see how far my chair is away from da table?? Mommie did dis for a reason (bad in my opinion) She doesn't wike it when dat chair is cwose cause den I use it to get up on dat table. I wike da view better from da table cause den I can see over da slats in da deck instead of frew dem!

Wook at dose toofers! Dis is my beggin wook
cause mommie had food and I wanted some too.

See? I coulda been named "Spot" cause i hab spots
all ober in my white fur.

More photo's coming today! I habe some ob dat cutie pie Arizona being so silly while mommie was sick!

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