Sunday, July 10, 2005

Awi's fun in da park

Awi weally enjoyed her monthly pug meetup. She told me dat some new puggies eben came and dat she weally wiked eberyone. I want to go to one ob Ari's get together, but she told me dat bullies aren't invited to dis party. Eben if I dresesd up as a pug dey would know cause I'm too big to be a pug. Besides, I don't hab dat cute widdle curly tail wike Awi has.

I wubed seeing Awi's great big smile when she got home.

Oh, all ob dis is cepting on fing!! Awi got to dribe da car!! She said dat mommie wet her dribe because da park is in our neighborhood so it's weally cwose by. Dis is not fair!! Awi said dat she didn't eben hab we wicense wif her cause she didn't wear her collar!! How could she dribe wifout a wicense??? I can't bewieve dat mommie wet Awi dribe! She can't eben weach da peddles!! Awi said dat it's cause she's nine and I'm not! She eben got to control da air conditioning and she turned it on full blast! I need a wawyer. Dis is an injustice!! I want to dribe da car somewhere too!! Awi said dat she sat on mommie's wap so dat she could see out da windows. Mommie neber wets me do dat! I hab to sit in da backseat!! Dis just isn't fair at all! I fink dat I should be able to sit on mommie's wap if we're just going to da park, but mommie won't eben wet us take the car if we're only going to da park! She tells me dat I hab four feet and I need to use dem so we hab to WALK to da park!!!!!!!!! Only Awi gets to dribe cause it's too far for her to walk wif her hard time breathing.

Dis is not fair!! Bullys should get to do what dey want to do!!!

Your pal,

Crabby Baywee

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