Saturday, July 23, 2005

Da Bug man came wast night

I wub when da bug man comes!! His name is Joe and he comes to our house to spray for bugs. We don't wike bugs in our house!! He also knocked down a wasp hibe (he called dem social wasps, but we don't want to be social wif a wasp, dey bite!!) and best ob all, he spent time pwaying wif me!! Ebery time he comes he always pats Awi on da head and he says "Baywee, go get a toy!" and so I wun my widdle bully butt ober to my toybox and get somefing to pway wif. He also doesn't mind gibbing me a fwendly butt scratch. Dere just aren't many people dat just do dat wifout asking!! I followed him eberywhere I could while he sprayed in investigated. He is a fwendly guy.

I'm off to hit da wubseat - I gotta go say hi to Killer and Brutus, our yard bunnies!

Your pal,


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