Saturday, March 11, 2006

Pug day at da park!!!

Today was da pug meet-up at da park so mommie took her pug to da park to pway wiff all da ober cute widdle puggies!!

Dis is a rare and unusual pug known as a yorkpug. I don't eben fink dat da pugs eben knew da difference!! All ob Awi's old fwiends tweated Frogknot wike dey had known him all ob dere lives!!

Now is dis a cute face or what??? Wook at dat widdle tongue hanging out!
Dis pug wanted to pway wiff me, I was still in deciding mode. It was between cwying or pwaying. I fink dat I did more pwaying den cwying, but mommie finks dat I sure did a wot ob crying!!

Dis was an interesting wall. I had to check it out! One ob da ober pugs said dat dere was a tweet hidden in dis wall. I wanted to see if it was true.

Your pals,

Baywee and da tired widdle pug, Frogknot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dere Little Pole,
I say, I say, yous is playing wif my cousins. We is a handsome bunch, ain't we? I sure is glad yous gettin better bouts playing wif folks.