Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My toe hurts!!!!

Well, my poor widdle foot still hurts me!!! Wast night when mommie got home I still didn't want to put a wot ob weight on my foot. I was kind ob hobbling around so mommie called and made a doctor's appointment for me dis morning. I WUB going to da doctors office!!!

When I got dere eberybody said hi to me and dey said "poor widdle Baywee. It wooks wike dat foot hurts a wot!!" Dey were right too!! My foot hurts a wot!! Dr Allen said "Baywee, wet's see you walk a bit." Well, I twied, but I didn't weally want to put my foot down. Den he put me up on da table (I can't get dere all by myself. It's too high!!) and he twisted and felt and turned and did all kinds ob fings. When he was all done wooking and all dat stuff he told mommie dat for sure I sprained my middle toe!!! He fought about putting a bandage on it, but we hab so much snow dat he decided dat it weally wouldn't work good and could make fings worse! He gabe mommie some medicine for me to take and den he gabe me a great big bone!! He eben wet me hide it in da room before mommie picked it up and put it in her pocket for wader!!

Dr Allen told me dat I needed to hab bed rest!! No wunning awound!! Oh, and he also told me dat I shouldn't walk awound wiff my sore toe sticking out... somefin about it being da middle toe and some people might fink dat I was fwippin dem off, whateber dat means!! Sometimes I don't know if I should believe my doctor or not!!!

Den mommie paid. She always takes da money out ob me and, well, it used to be Awi's account, now it's Froggie's account. I don't get dat!!!!! What ober mommie makes dere kid pay anytime dey go to da doctor??? Mommie puts money in our account ebery payday, den anytime we hab to go to da doctor she uses our money!!! How can I eber save up for a car if mommie keeps spending my money for my doctors visits???? Dis is an outrage!!! I fink dat I might hab to sue for control ober my own bank account!!! Den I might eben treat Frogknot to a double cheeseburger!! He's neber eben had one!!

Well, I hab to go way down and west my widdle sprained foot!!

Your hurtin pal (pwease send ice cream!!!)



Cassie said...

Deer Baywee, pwease let yur momma spoil u rotten while u habs dis spwained toe! Howz did dis happen to u?

Takez kare, and be sure dat Froggie letz u habz all de toiz.


Murphy said...


Me is really sorry your middle toe is hurting. Me asked Mommy what it meant to flip someone off and hers said that you was waving your middle toe at peoples to say hello and then her laughed. Her also said it wouldn't be a good idea to do it cause sometimes it makes peoples mad. Me thinks hers wasn't telling me tha real truth.

Get better soon
