Saturday, November 12, 2005

Do I wook wike a turkey???

Mommie just said dat Thanksgiving is coming up and I get to be da turkey. I fink dat she must be joking me 'cause I'm not a turkey! I'm a bully! I eben tried to gobble, but all I got was a growlie bark kind of fing.

I don't fink dat any bully can be a turkey, but I'm not an expert on dis matter. Mommie's pretty smart and knows a wot ob fings, but I fink dat in dis case she needs to get her eyes checked!!

Why would mommie want me to be a turkey anyway??

I don't understand why she keeps wooking at me and waffin.

Your bestest buddy,


Gobble, gobble, gobble!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My mom keeps telling she could eatmy chops. What is with these moms. They are crazy. How do yo gobble. Don't you need a giggly thing uder your chin, I don't have one of these. HE He