Monday, November 21, 2005

Did eberybudy get a turkey yet???

Mommie says dat Turkeys are invited to dinner on Thursday. She didn't tell me what they like to eat, but she did tell me dat dey would be da hit ob da day and ebery will want to celebrate da day wif a widdle turkey. I fink dats very nice dat eberybody wikes turkey dat much!! I hope dat you remember to take him on a walk after dinner. Walks are always good for walking off all dat good food!! It just helps to make room for more!! I fink dat dis is a very nice fing dat everyone is doing for turkeys!! I don't hab a name for mine yet, but i am still finking on it!!

Happy "invite a turkey to dinner day!"


Baywee, the yellow flower bulldog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bailey, I named my turkey Delicious. I think alot of people name them that.
Happy Thanksgiving!