Sunday, October 23, 2005

Dis bad keekat ob mine!!!

Dis is Baywee, and just wook at what we hab here!! Is dis a sweeping keekat?? And just where is dis keekat sweeping??? In Jay's room!!! Mommie said dat she finks dat "Skunk" (dis is da name dat I named my keekat. Mommie calls him Toby and Jay calls him Puss, but I wike plain ole Skunk cause he's black and white and he rolls in a wot ob stinky stuff and den tries to blame it on me!! Dis is not a fair tactic!!) Anyway, mommie finks day he just misses our boy.

Well, I fink dat dis must be true dat my keekat misses Jay. I miss Jay too, but I'm not allowed to sweep on Jay's bed!!! If I can't do dat, den Skunker can't eber!! So, dis is my plan. I am going to sneek up on him and wake him up!! Den he won't be sweeping on Jay's bed anymore. He will be awake on Jay's bed!

So, I lunged in for dis surprise attack!! I caught my keekat off guard! Wook at dose moves I hab! He didn't eben know what to do!! Dis is one scared keekat!!! Wook at da fear in dose eyes!! Dis kitty respects bully power!

Dis is my sneak attack to da belly!! Dis keekat ob mine finks dat he can stop me wif his paws. I'm not a dumb bully dough. I know dat her front paws are loaded anymore so I am safe!!

Dis is one keekat dat will sweep wif his eyes open from now on!!

Oh, and da Bronco's wost. Mommie yelled a wot ob words I'm not allowed to use. So, wets just not talk about dat game! Dis whole football fingie doesn't work really well! I don't get a wot ob time to spend at da creek cause dere is always some game on. If I could figure out a way to open da door and hook my own weash to my collar den I'd just take my ownself!!

All dis from your pal,


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