Sunday, September 10, 2006

Is Froggie a good boy, or a bad boy???

Dis is da question ob da morning!!! Here are two examples:

1. Frogknot got into a closet in mommie's office and he got a box ob crayons off ob da shelf. He had dem spread all ober da libingroom floor and my lubseat. I fink dat he was trying to implicate me in dis dastardly crime!!! Mommie didn't go for dat dough. She knew dat Frogknot was da guilty party!! I don't know exactly how mommie knows dese fings, but she does!! I sometimes fink dat she has eyes in da back ob her head because sometimes I'm trying to do somefing and she doesn't eben turn around and she'll say somefing wike "Baywee, being a bad girl is a bad idea. I would advise against dat action." So den I fink about it for a second and try to decide, did she really see me and is dis fing worth getting into trouble ober? So dose are da big questions in my life!!

2. Frogknot did not go to da potty anywhere in da house except for his one remaining potty pad. Eberyfing was outside. For dis we are grateful!! I want to know: are all widdle doggies dis hard to housebreak??? Mommie said dat Arizona was bery easy and Ari taught me. I neber eber had an accident in mommie's house. Frogknot didn't want to follow me out da doggie door. Dis is one weird widdle puppy!! I'd say "Wet's go outside, Frogknot" and he'd say "no, it's too big outside!! I wike it right here in da house!" Anyway, I fink dat we're habing a big celebration in our house today. I fink dat we might hab thousands ob guests!! Or at weast one maybe!!

Dis is your fwiend Baywee who didn't eben chew up one crayon dis morning!!

Your pals,

Baywee and Frogknot


Anonymous said...

Bays you are such a good little girl. I am going to send Theo out your way and let you teach him some being good lessons.

Murphy said...

Maybe hims wasn't really being bad at all. Maybe that little Frog needed tha crayons to write a letter or something and hims brought them to your lubseat so you could help hims write that letter. Maybe hims needed to write a letter to tha Broncos to tell them to tighten up and get back into tha game today. After all you is hims big sister and berry berry smart. Me thinks this sounds like what really was happening.
