Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dis is just wrong!!!

Now dat it's getting colder mommie hung up some stuff for da birds to eat. Well, I've been twying and twying to figure out a way to get up dere and get my fair share.


I'be been asking and asking and dey won't eben knock anyfing down for me! I might starve down here on da ground! Dis just isn't fair at all!!

Den to make matters worse da Backyard squirrel got up dere and he attacked da bird feeder! It was a good fing dat da birds weren't around! He was wike an animal up dere!!


I wanted to squirt him wiff our hose, but mommie already unplugged it. Since I don't hab opposable thumbs (does anyone eben know what dat means?? I don't know why we hab such big words anyway!) I can't hook up da hose and squirt him! Finally, I barked and mommie came out and she saw dat da squirrel was attacking da bird food so she moved da food out where no one can get it! Dat doesn't mean dat I won't keep wooking for ways dough!!

Me and Frogknot were going to color, but someone in our house (it wasn't me or mommie) ATE our crayons!! I fink dat's coming out ob Froggie's allowance!!

Froggie's weg is much better today! He doesn't seem to be hurting as much! We're gwad! (dat whinning was somefing else I tell you!!)




Anonymous said...

Dear Baywee,
At weast you can catch de crumbs if dey come down. Our mommy put ours outside dey screened porch. We wike to wook at the birds and den, just when dey least expect it, charge dey screen barking wike crazy. Dis makes our mommy berry mad and she tells us she's taking us to dey pound...well, except Finnegan cause he's such a mama's boy.
We don't know what a pound is, but we don't want to find out!!

Dey Mutley Crew

Murphy said...


My Mommy putted out food for tha birds and me was able to jump and hit tha tree hard enough to knock some of tha bird food out. It's really not that good....not nearly as good as when tha suet melts on a warm day.
