Saturday, September 30, 2006

Dis is da pinto dat mommie got!!

IMG_2785, originally uploaded by scribbledpaper.

He's a widdle baby hedgehog!! He's called a pinto because ob da way he's colored! He's got big white spots!!

We fink dat he's cute, but Frogknot is weally scared ob him!!

Your pal,



Murphy said...

This isn't quite as good as getting a pony but this sure is neat. Maybe you should just name him Pinto Bean.

Me wonders if Mommy will get me one for Christmas. Me has been very, very good this year.


Anonymous said...

Dear Baywee -
Whewwww...we fought your mommy was gonna get one of deem Pinto cars. Our mommy said dey used to splode when dey got hit from behind. We sure is glad dats not dey Pinto you gots.
This Pinto is so cute, but our mommy won't wet us hab one cause she said Razz or Peanut would try to eat it wike dey did our 2 wegger sisters baby rat.