Sunday, April 10, 2005

Poor Awi!!

Mommie shoveled off our deck so dat me an Awi could walk on it wif out having to walk in tons of snow. Mommie told me to watch out for Awi cause dis kinds of stuff upsets her sometimes. So anyway, we went down da stairs and into da backyard. I finished up and I wan my bully butt back up da stairs and scratched on da door to tell mommie dat I was done. When she opened da door she said "Baywee? Where is Awi? You were supposed to help watch ot for her!!" Den she started to call out:



Awizona! Where are you???

Den we heard Awi starting to cry under da deck steps. Mommie gave me dat ebil eye, den she went down da stairs and helped to coax Awi out from under da stairs. Awi got carried up da stairs too! i neber get carried! Dat didn't seem too fair, but I guess it's okay dis time since Awi was cwying. We neber wike it when Awi crys. Mommie hugged her and made her feel better once we got inside. Den she gave us bof a tweet and she told me dat tomorrow I'll have to do better job of watchin out for my sister cause mommie has to go to work (dat is if she can get out ob da drive way anyway) tomorrow. Awi always knows to follow me if she gets wost in da yard or somefing.

I wub awi a wot and don't wike it if she gets upset wike dat. I eben wet her have my favorite toy tonight. Awi is my bestest fwend!!

Oh, and it's still snowing here in sunny colorado! *waff* Nofin wike spwing in da wockies!!

Typin wif one paw on da board and one paw wapped around my sister Awi,


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