Sunday, April 03, 2005

It's a poop scoopin day!!

Hi Eberyone!Did ebery bully remember to change your clocks? Don't forget we have to spring ahead! Some people wike to forget cause den day won't be to work on time. Dis is your reminder. Wazy people! Change dose clocks! It means dat summer is right around da corner and it stays wite out wonger!

We had a beautiful day here today. I spent most of it sweeping on da deck and mommie spent all her time in da house watchin da TV. Somefin about watching all the specials about the Pope who died over dis weekend. I don't know who he was, but I heard dat he was a weally good guy who did a wot of weely good fings for people. Den when mommie got done being wazy watching TV she got up and headed outside to scoop poop. While she scooped I waffed at her. Nofin wike making her work on her days off scoopin our poop!

Almost forgot to tell you! It's baseball season! I would wove to chase down one ub dose balls! I don't fink dat they'd wet me pway dough. Day hab dat ugly sign "no dogs allowed." One ub dees days I'm goin to eat dat sign. Go CUBBIES eben dough we wive in Colorado Wockies town.
We wub da cubbies anyways!

Hey batter, batter, batter!! SWING!

Your baseball wovin' bully fwiend,


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