Monday, June 12, 2006

I got shot in my butt!!!!!!!!!!!

Dis is true!!!!!!!!!

I got shot in my butt!!!!!!!

Mommie scheduled me for my annual check-up. She also had dem check out my poor widdle paws!! I scrapped dem (wike a rug burn) when I dug dat big hole to china in my back yard ober da weekend. Mommie has been soaking my poor feetsies in da bafftub. Dat hasn't been so bad because I wike water anyway, and it's nice warm water so I don't mind hanging out dere... Anyway, my doctor gabe me a couple ob shots wight in my butt!!! Dat kinda hurt, but she made up for it by telling me dat I was her most favorite dog around. She had to whisper it in my ear dough because Frogknot had to come to da doctor's office wiff me!!

Da weason why Frogknot had to come was because when mommie came home to pick me up poor widdle Frogknot cried and whimpered. He wan around in widdle circles shaking his head. Mommie wooked to see if a bug bit him, but she couldn't see anyfing so she grabbed Frogknot's leash and took him wiff us. Frogknot didn't eben hab an appointment, but da doctor saw Froggie before she eben saw me!!!!!!! I didn't weally fink dat was fair, but den she told me dat she did dat because he's a baby and he was cwying. She said dat when I was a baby she did da same fing for me. I felt a widdle better about dat. Frogknot didn't get any shots, but he did get some drops dat mommie has to put in his ears twice a day.

Da doctor told me dat I shouldn't dig holes anymore. Not eben if I want to go to china. She also told me dat I should keep on soaking my feet for da next few days. Dat should help to make dem feel better. She didn't gib me any cream for dem because wike she told my mom "baywee would just wick if off anyway." She knows me weally good!! I would wick it off!!! She also told mommie dat I am starting to develop some arthritis in my back knee. Me and mommie were both shocked!! I am only four and a half!! Dis doesn't seem weally fair!!

Well, I hab to go. Frogknot is chasing his tail and I want to see who wins. Frogknot or da tail!!




Anonymous said...

Deer Baywee,
Would you bewieve our mommy is one of da people dat hold you while da doctor gibs shots in da butt? Sometimes she eben gibs a shot...but she always gibs lots of tweats when she has to.
Razz has arthuritis in her bones...especiwally in her weft fwont elbow. Mommy gives her a glucosamine/chondroitin treat two times a day. Sometimes we wish we could take dem too cause Razz says dey taste weal good. Maybe you want to talk to your mommy about getting some now before it weally starts to boder you. Razz don't eben limp no more.
Lub...your mutley crew fwiends.

bay said...

Mommie says fanks for telling us about dose treats!! We will ask our doctor to make sure dat I can take somefing wike dat. Mommie wikes to run dose fings by da doctor so dat she knows dat fings are okay. I take a thyroid pill twice a day wight now and we don't hab dose kinds ob smarts to know what might go wiff dis drug or might hurt dis drug. Somefing wike dat.

PS, I wouldn't hab minded da shot dat much if it had been your mommie gibing dat shot or holding me!!

Murphy said...

Hi Bayee

Mommy is hinting around that it's about time for me yearly checkup. You don't think this means me might have to get shots in me butt too do you?

Oh and Mommy showed me pictures of tha new human baby, it's real cute.


Cassie said...

Deer Baywee, I am bery gwad dat yur paws are feeling bedder. I donz much likez gedding shotz in my butt eder! But our hoomans wuv us, and itz what dey to do help us be healthy. Maybe your mom cud ask bout dat glucosomine stuff, if it helps yur knee, I bet dat Razz wudn't tell you dat dey taste gud if dey don't. Wubz, Cassie

Anonymous said...

Bays I sho is sorry you hurts yo feetsies but iffen you would comes to Jawja I wuld wicks dem fur you.