Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Frogknot is a wucky boy!!!!

Dis is da fing - mommie went outside to drag dose darn trashcans to da curb cause Tuesday is always trash pick up day. Well, she was only outside for about free minutes when Frogknot got himself into BIG, I mean WEALLY BIG trouble!!!

Dis bad widdle puppy ob mine managed to get ahold ob da string for da blinds in da wivingroom. Dere is only one window dat we actually hab access to and dis happens to be da window. We can't reach anyfing else. Anway, mommie was outside dragging dose trashcans out and Froggie got da string and he ended up all tangled up!! When mommie came in she knew somefing was wrong right away because dis bad puppy always comes to greet her (I fink dat he's stuck to her wike glue) and he didn't come wunning. She wooked towards da libingroom and she saw him struggling on da couch and she heard him making dis widdle cwying noise dat sounded somefing wike "I'm choking, mommie, save me!!!!"

Well, mommie is very smart, she didn't make a big rush at him because she was afraid dat he might try to leap off of da lubseat and that would hang him, so she approched quietly and snagged him from behind. Den she untangled him and once he had dat bad string off ob his throat den he coughed a widdle bit and den he discovered dat his airway was free again. Mommie wooked him all ober and he wooked okay. After a couple ob minutes Frogknot was back to his old self!!

Mommie said to make sure dat I remind eberyone about how dangerous dese cords are!! We cut ours and it's all wrapped around da top fingie in a way dat it can neber come down. Since dis is my window we neber raise or lower da blinds in it - Dey always stay half-way because I need to see out my window!!

I am so gwad dat mommie was only gone for a moment, but den, dis is a clear example ob how much trouble widdle puppies can get into if you don't hab an eye on dem all da time!!

Practicing safety first in our house,

Baywee da good bully


Cassie said...

Ohh, Baywee, dat is weally skaree. We're so happee dat widdle Fwoggie is ok. Angel Impy did dat one time, too, and it skared Mommee half to deaf!!

Gibs Fwoggie some Cairn kisses.

I will hab to get in touch wit dat Angel sisder Impy and tellz her dat she habs anuther earthbound terrier to keep an eye out for!


Anonymous said...

We're all so happy that your mommy came in when she did! That little Frogknot could have been really, really hurt.
Thank your mommy for reminding me to cut the cords upstairs. I don't worry about the mutleys doing this as much as our kitty cats.

Murphy said...

Baywee and Frogknot,

Me has not been able to get to da computer for a week cause Mommy has been in VA. Me is soooo glad that little Froggie is safe!! That was really scarey/
