Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bad Girl, Arizona!!!

Mommie told me dat Santa's watching and so I better figure out how to be a good girl. There must be some way to cheat!!

Last night while mommie was playin on the laptop, widdle
Awi was waying under da widdle desk wif her suckie toy.
She was twying to sweep. Since I couldn't get Awi to pway wif me den all I had was me to amuse myself. Dat's neber a good idea and I tried to tell mommie dat!! Anyway, I managed to squeeze my big butt under da bed and I crawled up to da head ob da bed. Den I very carefuly unwedged the baseboard from the wall. Once it was unwedged den it was just a matter ob gibing it a great big tug. Da hard part was dragging it out from under da bed so dat I could habe a nice big place to stretch out and eat it.
Mommie said dat eating baseboard is always a bad idea. I fink dat if Awi had been paying attention to me instead ob her suckie toy den I would hab been plwaying instead of chewing up baseboard.

AWI!! You're in big trubble!!! SANTA'S WATCHING!!! You really should be keeping a better eye on me (eben dough your blind an eberyfing. Dat's no excuse for not babysitting me!!!)
Dis is my story and I hab to stick to it. Want to know why??? Well it's cause Mommie made a note and she put it on my lubseat and it says "Dis spot reserved for hamsters" Dis is NOT funny!!! I fought dat hamsters were da ober white meat. Dey aren't pets!! Dey are rodents!!

I hab to go be good now!!

Santa's watching (is mommie twicking me?? Hello? Santa? Are you out there?)

Your pal,


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