Sunday, October 22, 2006

What did I do wrong???

Originally uploaded by scribbledpaper.
I fink I'm being punished here!! Dis is not right at all!! How come I hab to go outside in 20 degree weather to potty wiff SNOW! I don't fink dat dis is right at all!! Mommie said dat if I don't wike it den I should consider moving to a pwace where dere is no snow, but dat is not da solution! I want to lib at home and habe it be summer time all da time! Now dat is a good solution!


Your pal,

Cold, Shivering, Freezing Baywee


Murphy said...


Me agrees with you, it's not right to have to go outside in tha freezing cold to go pottie. Our humans don't do this so why should we?? Me thinks we need to start a revolution........humm well maybe we should wait til after Christmas.


Anonymous said...

awe... i'm so sorry bailey... that really does stink that you have to potty in the snow...

just remember, you are welcome to come to florida any time and hang out with you aunt ashley and cousins, tilly & orion... and froggie and chugwater and of course your mommy are all welcome too :)

have warm thoughts!