Thursday, October 05, 2006

Jay is coming home!!!

He's dribing right now!!! I know dis for sure because mommie alweady started to tease me wike dis: "Baywee - who's coming to see you???" and I know for sure dat it's Jay!! It's always Jay when mommie asks me dis question!!

Jay is also bringing a buddy, Chris and dey are coming home for two weasons.

1. Chaparral is pwaying Ponderosa and dat football game is neber missed! We hab two high schools in our town and when dey pway each ober den eberyone wants to see it!! Jay always roots for Chap, but Jen roots for Ponderosa because dat is da schools dat dey went to. Mommie doesn't root for anyone because she can't pick Jen's school ober Jays or da ober way around eber!!

2. Mommie's birfday is coming up on da 16th, so Jay made arraingements so dat he and a bunch ob his friends are taking mommie out for dinner on Saturday night!! Mommie is excited dat so many people wanted to go!! Da only fing is dat Me and Frog don't get to go. Eberyone has dat rule fingie about doggies in resturants! I don't fink dat it's weally fair, but dat's life!!

Jay will be in between 2-3am. So mommie says dat when we go to bed it won't be long and dey will be at our house!! I can't wait! I hope dat Jay brings me a new football!!

Your pal,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! I am so excited for you Bailey! I hope you have a good visit...and maybe get the left overs from the birthday dinner!