Saturday, August 27, 2005

YAY for Saturdays!!

I wub Saturdays!! Ebery day should be a Saturday!! Dis morning we sat out on da deck and wistened to da backyard squirrel chattering. I fink dat he wants another one ob my toys, but I couldn't tell. I wanted to bark at him to ask him, but I got yelled at cause dere is dis no barking at 8am on a Saturday rule. Dis didn't seem fair to me, but mommie said dat we'll rummage around in my toys and put a toy out and see if he wants one.

Today is going to be a busy day at our house! . Someone has to do all dis yardwork and since me an Ari aren't big enough to cut da grass, den it means dat mommie has to do it by herself. Me an Ari are going to watch and waff dough!! We're gwad dat we don't hab to be responsible for dis kind ob stuff!!

I hab to go get my nails clipped too. I wub doin dat!! Especially now dat I've wearned how to stick my big head out da window while mommie dribes. Dis will be an adventure!!

Mommie is finally getting ober
her cold. I fink dat all my hard work paid off. I'm sure dat she is feeling better cause I spent so much time taking care ob her. Mommie said dat next time could she just hab some chicken soup instead dough. She finks dat one day my help might just kill her. I weally don't fink dat I'm all dat heavy and I wike waying on mommie when she's sick. I'm sure it helps her a wot!! Maybe she just worried dat I was working too hard! I bet dat's it!!

I hab to run - We hab so much to do today!!
Your pal,

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