Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's Wednesday!!

And I'm wishing dat it was Saturday!! Mommie says dat you can tell dat fall is in the air. We're getting some cold breezes and it's darker in the morning when we wake up. I am habing da hardest time waking up in da morning time. Just cause mommie has to get up to go to work den why does dat mean dat Baywee has to get up?? Mommie says dat she just wikes to see me in da morning cause it starts her day out wight. I fink dat it's ebery bullys wight to sweep in. Mommie waffs at my somefin she calls my "Baywee wiggle butt" as I wun up da stairs. I don't exactly fink dat dis is funny at 5:30 in da morning. Mommie says to wighten up and get a sense ob humor, Baywee. Instead though, I go find my wubseat.

Awi is doing much better now!! Fank you to eberybody who asked about my bestest sister. Her front, cute widdle puggie wegs seem to be doing much better now. I fink dat da cold air still hurts dem a widdle bit though, but Awi is a twooper.

Now here's another wandom thought!! I should hab believed Awi when she told me dat mommie was twicking me!! It's TWUE!! She is twicking me!! Mommie did a dumb fing wast night (typical mommie stuff dough!!) She weft out da container ob cottage cheese so she had to frow it away. So dis morning she gabe us some cheese and guess what I found???? I found a PILL!! Mommie's been swipping me pills!! Dis is an outrage!! I need to check my rule book to see how dis can be allowed!!

Well, Awi is eyein my wubseat, so I need to run and save it from her!! Dis is Baywee's wubseat!

Your Pal,


I told mommie dat it is in my contract dat I be allowed to hab access to da outside anytime I want it. Dat is why she has to weave da back door open so dat I can sit just inside da door and watch all dis cold waining weather! And it's also why I get to stick my head out ob da window eben on cold days! We habe da heat on so it doesn't weally matter anyway. :)

So dat's been our weekend so far! Awi said dat she's alweady feeling much better after wewaxing all day. She's not telling mommie dough cause she wikes dat I'm getting dat ebil eye fingie still!!

Your pal,


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