Monday, August 22, 2005

Just call me Nurse Baywee

Can you believe dis??? Mommie is sick again!! She just got ober being sick. Dis just doesn't seem fair at all!! Mommie woke up wif a weally bad cold yesterday. Dat should be against da law! I'm going to check my rule book for dis. I don't fink dat anyone should hab to wake up sick on a Sunday. We didn't get to go for a walk or eben go bye-bye in the car. I didn't wike dis one bit!!

I always get worried when mommie gets sick so I wike to be wight by her all da time, den when she falls asweep den I stretch out on top ob her. Mommie keeps telling me dat dis kind ob medicine just doesn't work for her, but I don't believe her. She feels a wot warmer when I'm waying on her. I eben had to do CPR wast night. When I wasn't wight on top ob mommie, den I was wight beside her wif my face in hers. Mommie said dat her nose was weally stuffy and I was twying to wook to see what it was stuffed wif. I kept gibing her all my air cause I had pwenty and she sounded wike she was struggling to breath. Mommie said dat she was struggling cause I'm heavy and cause she wasn't getting any fwesh air. I'm weally not dat heavy dough. Wike, I'm not as heavy as a hummer, or an airpwane, or eben a house. I'm just as heavy as a bulldog and dats not hevy at all. I carry me around all da time!

Mommie had to go to work today. I am hoping dat she comes home so dat I can take care ob her some more.

Your Pal,


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