Saturday, August 13, 2005

Dis is not my fault!!!

You know dat I'm a good girl!! I wub mommie wots!!! I always do my bestest to be a good girl and I neber, neber get into any... much.. well just a widdle bit ob trouble!!

Dis is da fing... I haben't been able to post in a few days because Awi didn't feel good. I kept getting dose ebil eye wooks from my mommie wike it was my fault dat Awi didn't feel good!! I didn't weally cause anyfing to happen! Well, it wasn't my fault anyway!!

Wast Thursday me an Awi were pwaying. Awi doesn't pway bery often, so when she does, den I hab to take advantage ob dis situation! Me an Awi got into a big tug 'o war game and eben dough I know dat I'm way bigger and stronger den Awi, I also know dat I hab to be careful to not dwag her through da house and all dose fings wike dat. Anyway, we pwayed and we eben wrassled on da ground biting on each ober. We got weally carried away wif pwaying and finally mommie said it was enough!! It was time for bed so we had to quit. Well, when Awi woke up wast Friday morning she could barely eben stand. Her poor widdle fwont wegs just didn't want to hold her up!! I know dat I didn't bite her berry hard, but I sure pulled her hard!! She had her brakes on a wot. I had to weally dwag her. Mommie wubbed and wubbed on Awi's wegs and she kept gibing me dat ebil wook. Awi hurt pretty bad on Friday. She did a widdle better wast night, but den it got all cold and waining out. Eben today, da weather was bery cold. It was 51 degrees and it was waining a wot. Awi didn't complain much cause she neber does!! Mommie's been gibing her medicine to make da pain feel better.

Awi eben missed her pug meet up dis morning. She was mad at me! She said dat it was my fault and dat I pwayed to hard on purpose just so dat she couldn't go see her fwiends and DWIVE mommies car again!! Dis is not true!! I did not do dis so dat Awi couldn't dwibe mommie's car! (but I do hab to admit it's a nice side effect. Don't tell mommie or Awi dough!!!) Mommie said no Pug meetup because she was worried at Awi would ober due.

So since Awi couldn't go, dis is how we spent out day. We were wazy. We spent all afternoon waying on da couch. We eben lit up a fire in da firepwace!! Awi wikes feeling da warm from da fire. She wayed up close to it. Mommie sad dat her wegs prolly wiked feeling all warm!

Also dis afternoon mommie and I wan an errand. Mommie finished up a library book and she needed to return it and pick up another dat was ready for us
to pick up. I wub going on car wides! On mommie's side ob da car she had her window wolled all da way up and she also had da heat on (it weally was a widdle chilly out) and on my side - well, my big ole bully head was stickin out da window cause dats how I wike dribing!!

Dis is me weavin dat library fingie I was telling you about!

I told mommie dat it is in my contract dat I be allowed to hab access to da outside anytime I want it. Dat is why she has to weave da back door open so dat I can sit just inside da door and watch all dis cold waining weather! And it's also why I get to stick my head out ob da window eben on cold days! We habe da heat on so it doesn't weally matter anyway. :)

So dat's been our weekend so far! Awi said dat she's alweady feeling much better after wewaxing all day. She's not telling mommie dough cause she wikes dat I'm getting dat ebil eye fingie still!!

Your pal,


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